
Electronic copies of publications are provided to ensure timely diffusion of academic work for individual and non-commercial purposes. Copyright and all rights therein reside with the respective copyright  holders. The files must not be posted elsewhere without permission.
Please note that anything you didn’t like in my work was requested by reviewers and everything you liked was my own.


Single authored book monographs

Grasso, M. From Big Oil to Big Green. Holding the Oil Industry to Account for the Climate Crisis’, MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma. ISBN 978-0262543743
Chinese translation: here

Grasso, M. ‘Justice in Funding Adaptation under the International Climate Change Regime’, Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN 978-90-481-3438-0


Articles in refereed journals


Grasso, M. and Delatin Rodrigues, D. ‘Rage against the fossil machine: the deactivation of fossil energy production in Italy‘, Energy Research & Social Science, 115, 103655.

Grasso, M. ‘The case for climate reparations by fossil fuel companies: ethical foundations, monetary estimates, and feasibility‘, Development and Change, doi: 10.1111/dech.12837.

Lachapelle, P., Belmont, P., Grasso, M. et al.Academic capture in the Anthropocene: a framework to assess climate action in higher education‘, Climatic Change, 177(40), doi: 10.1007/s10584-024-03696-4.

Grasso, M. ‘Fossil fuel companies’ duty of reparation: Why the industry must concur to foot the climate bill‘, Globalizations, 21(4), 630-647.


Grasso, M., Heede, R., ‘Time to pay the piper: fossil fuel companies’ reparations for climate damages’, One Earth, 6(5), 459-463.

The Guardian, 19 May 2023 ‘Fossil fuel firms owe climate reparations of $209bn a year, says study‘;
The Guardian, 19 May 2023, ‘$209bn a year is what fossil fuel firms owe in climate reparations. We want that paid‘.
Inside Climate News, 19 May 2023, ‘Fossil Fuel Companies Should Pay Trillions in ‘Climate Reparations,’ New Study Argues‘.
Il Fatto Quotidiano, 19 May 2023 ‘Clima, da Saudi Aramco fino a Chevron: 21 società che operano nel fossile causano 209 miliardi di danni all’anno‘.
Domani, 21 June 2023 ‘I danni morali dell’inquinamento valgono 209 miliardi‘.
Nature Italy, 30 June 2023 ‘Counting the cost of climate change – and what major emitters shsould pay for it‘, by Stella Levantesi, doi:
Nature Italy, 30 June 2023 ‘Se il cambiamento climatico presentasse il conto alle aziende del fossile‘, by Stella Levantesi, doi:

Benetti, S., Gamba, S., and Grasso, M. ‘Taranto: a flickering landscape of illusory progress, vanished hope, and invisible beauty’, Landscape Research, 48(8), 1054-1072.

Grasso, M. ‘Legitimacy and procedural justice: how might stratospheric aerosol injection function in the public interest?, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9, 187.

Grasso, M. and Delatin Rodrigues, D. ‘Disrupting to decarbonise socio-energy systems: The ‘carbon transformation axes framework‘, Energy Research & Social Science, 90, 102557.

Grasso, M. ‘Towards a broader climate ethics: Confronting the oil industry with morally relevant facts, Energy Research & Social Science, 62, 101383

Grasso, M. and Vladimirova, K. ‘A moral analysis of carbon majors’ role in climate change’, Environmental Values, 29(2): 175-195

Grasso, M. and Tàbara, J.D. ‘Towards a moral compass to guide sustainability transformations in a High-End Climate Change world’, Sustainability, 11, 2971; doi:10.3390/su11102971

Grasso, M. ‘Sulfur in the sky with diamonds: An inquiry into the feasibility of solar geoengineering‘, Global Policy, 10(2), 217-226

Grasso, M. ‘Oily politics: A critical assessment of the oil and gas industry’s contribution to climate change’, Energy Research & Social Science, 50, 106-116

Tàbara, J.D., Jäger, J., Mangalagiu, D. and Grasso, M. ‘Defining transformative climate science to address high-end climate change’,  Regional Environmental Change, 19(3), 808-817

Grasso, M. ‘Just instruments for adaptation finance’, Analyse & Kritik, 40(2), 405-412

Grasso, M. ‘Achieving the Paris goals: Consumption-based carbon accounting’, Geoforum, 79, 93-96

Grasso, M. ‘The political feasibility of consumption-based carbon accounting, New Political Economy, 21(4), 401-413

Grasso, M. and Sacchi, S.Impure procedural justice in climate governance systems‘, Environmental Values, 24(6), 777-798

Markowitz, E. M., Grasso, M. and Jamieson, D.Climate ethics at a multidisciplinary crossroads: Four directions for future scholarship’, Climatic Change, 130(3), 465-474

Grasso, M. and Markowitz, E. M. ‘ The moral complexity of climate change and the need for a multidisciplinary perspective on climate ethics’, Climatic Change, 130(3), 327-334

Grasso, M., Moneo, M. and Arena, M. ‘Assessing social vulnerability to climate change in Samoa’, Regional Environmental Change, 14, 1329-1341

Grasso, M. and Roberts, J.T. ‘A compromise to break the climate impasse‘, Nature Climate Change, 4, 543-549

Sacchi, S., Riva, P., Brambilla, M. and Grasso M. ‘Moral reasoning and climate change mitigation: The deontological reaction toward the market-based approach’, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 252-261

Grasso, M. ‘Climate ethics: with a little help from moral cognitive neuroscience’, Environmental Politics, 22(3), 377-394

Grasso, M. ‘Sharing the emission budget’, Political Studies, 60, 668-686

Grasso, M. and Feola, G. ‘Mediterranean agriculture under climate change: adaptive capacity, adaptation, and ethics‘, Regional Environmental Change, 12, 607-618 (Appendix)

Grasso, M. ‘The role of justice in the North-South conflict in climate change: the case of negotiations on the Adaptation Fund’, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 11, 361-377

Grasso, M. ‘An ethical approach to climate adaptation finance’, Global Environmental Change, 20, 74-81

Grasso, M. and Canova, L.An assessment of the quality of life in the European Union’, Social Indicators Research, 87, 1-25

Grasso, M. ‘A normative ethical framework in climate change’, Climatic Change, 81, 223-246

Grasso, M. ‘An ethics-based climate agreement in the South Pacific region’, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 6, 249-270


Edited Journals


PLOS Climate. Collection: The climate denial machine, editor with Ruth McKie (forthcoming)

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. Special Issue: Going green? Environmental politics and activism, editor with Daniel Delatin Rodrigues (forthcoming)

Climatic Change, Volume 130, Issue 3, June 2015 – Special Issue: Multidisciplinary Perspective on Climate Ethics. Guest Editor, with Ezra M. Markowitz


Co-edited volumes


Sattich, T., Grasso, M., Moe, E., Schreurs, M. and Yan, S. ‘De Gruyter Handbook of Ocean Governance and Maritime Affairs’, Berlin, de Gruyter (forthcoming)

Redclift, M.R. and Grasso, M. ‘Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security’, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham


Book chapters


Grasso, M., Levantesi, S. and Beqja, S. ‘Climate Obstruction in Italy: from institutional indifference to widespread climate delay’ in R. Brulle, J. T. Roberts, M. Spencer (Eds.) ‘Climate Obstruction across Europe’, Oxford University Press.

Delatin Rodrigues, D., Grasso, M., ‘Social tipping processes in the transformation of Civitavecchia’s socio-energy system’ in J. D. Tàbara, A. Flamos, D. Mangalagiu (Eds.) ‘Positive Tipping Points towards Sustainability’, Springer, 151-168.


Grasso, M. ‘Adaptation Duties’, in G. Pellegrino and M. Di Paola (Eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change, Springer, 759-775.

Grasso, M. ‘Climate justice from theory to practice: The responsibility and duties of the oil industry’, in F. Corvino, T. Andina (Eds.), Global Climate Justice: Theory and Practice. E-International Relations., 223-245.

Grasso, M. ‘Big Oil’s duty of disgorging funds in the context of climate change’, in T. Jafry (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook on Climate Justice. Routledge, Abingdon.

Grasso, M. and Dutta, V. ‘Climate policies of top emitters and evolution of an effective climate regime’, in M. K. Verma (Ed.) Globalisation, Environment and Social Justice: Perspectives, Issues and Concerns. Routledge, Abingdon.

Grasso, M. and Dutta, V. ‘A comparative assessment of climate policies of top emitters: Towards strengthening climate diplomacy and action’, in R. Oberoi and J. Halsall (Eds.), From a Borderless to a Gated Globe. Springer, London, 69-89.

Grasso, M. ‘The social dimensions of climate change in the top emitting countries’ climate policy’, in M.R. Redclift and D. Springett (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sustainable Development, Routledge, Oxford, 379-390

Redclift, M.R. and Grasso, M. ‘Introduction: human security in the age of carbon’, in M.R. Redclift and M. Grasso (Eds.), Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security’, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1-17

Grasso, M. & Feola, G. ‘Human security and climate change in the Mediterranean region’, in M.R. Redclift & M. Grasso (Eds.), Handbook on Climate Change and Human Security’,Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 254-280

Grasso, M. ‘The capability approach and sustainable development’, in E.M. Tacchi (Ed.), Sustainability, Development and Environmental Risk, Foxwell & Davies, London, 77-96


Book reviews

Grasso, M. ‘O. Godard: Global Climate Justice: Proposals, Arguments and Justification’, forthcoming in Carbon and Climate Law Review

Grasso, M. ‘F. Soltau: Fairness in International Climate Change Law and Policy’, Carbon and Climate Law Review, 1/2013, 80-81

Grasso, M., ‘S. Vanderheiden: ‘Atmospheric Justice. A Political Theory of Climate Change’, Carbon and Climate Law Review, 4, 508-509  [longer review]

Grasso, M., ‘W. N. Adger, J. Paavola, S. Huq e M. J. Mace: ‘Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change’, Political Studies Review, 7 (2), 268

Grasso, M., ‘S. Vanderheiden: ‘Atmospheric Justice. A Political Theory of Climate Change‘, Political Studies Review, 7(1), 109-110

Grasso, M., ‘J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks: ‘A Climate of Injustice. Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and Climate Policy’, Carbon and Climate Law Review, 1, 225-7

Grasso, M., ‘Edward A. Page: ‘Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations’, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, (2008), 8, 183-186

Grasso, M., ‘Frank Biermann and Steffen Bauer (eds): ‘A World Environmental Organization: Solutions or Threat for Effective International Environmental Governance’, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 8, 205-207


Policy Briefs  and Published working papers

Grasso, M. ‘The role of ethics in climate change’, IMPRESSIONS project Briefing Paper

Tàbara, J. D., Jäger, J., Harrison, P., Hölscher, K., Pedde, S., Grasso, M., Mangalagiu, D., Kok, K., Lamperti, F., Holman, I., Berry, P.,  Christensen, J. H.  and Galafassi, D. ‘Design of transformative strategies’, IMPRESSIONS project Briefing Paper

Grasso M. (lead author) in van den Bosch, M. et al. ‘UNEP/UNECE GEO-6 Assessment for the pan-European region

Grasso, M. and Roberts, J.T. ‘A Fair Compromise to Break the Climate Impasse. A Major Economies Forum (MEF) Approach to Emissions Reductions Budgeting
The Brookings Institution – Global Economy and Development program: Global Views Policy Paper, April 2013

Grasso, M. ‘Consequentialist climate ethics‘ (article presented at the seminar Distributive Justice and Sustainability, LSE, November 2011)

Grasso, M. ‘The ethics of climate change: with a little help from moral cognitive neuroscience’ (CISEPS Research Paper No. 7-2011)

Grasso, M. & Sacchi, S.Procedural justice in international negotiations on climate change’ (CISEPS Research Paper No. 6-2011)


Work under review

Grasso, M. ‘Fossil fuel companies’ duty of reparation for the climate crisis’, Globalizations

Grasso, M., Berti Suman, A. and Delatin Rodrigues, D. ‘The role of agents of carbon transformation in destabilizing and disrupting the fossil bloc from below’, Regulation & Governance


Work in progress

Grasso, M., Delatin Rodrigues, D., ‘Rage against the fossil machine: how destabilisation and disruption operated in Milan and Civitavecchia’ (article)


Single authored book monographs in Italian

Grasso, M. ‘Analisi Economica e Ambiente’, Angeli, Milano. ISBN 88-464-3364-5


Co-authored book monographs in Italian

Grasso, M. and Vergine, S. ‘Tutte le Colpe dei Petrolieri‘, Piemme, Milano. ISBN 978-88-585-2551-7

Grillo F. and Grasso, M. ‘La Macchina che Cambiò il Mondo’, Fazi Editore, Roma. ISBN 88-8112-485-8


Articles in Italian refereed journals


Guadagno, E. and Grasso, M.Le coste in Italia: una questione «frastagliata»’, Geotema, XXXVI, 69, 24-38

Grasso, M., Guadagno, E., and Gallia, A. ‘«Geografia e ambiente» in Italia: una lettura critica condivisaGeotema, XXXVI, 69, 3-10

Grasso, M. ‘Gli agenti di destabilizzazione e la tranisizione energetica’, Rivista Geografica Italiana, CXXIX, 2, 55-70

Grasso, M. and Randelli, F. ‘Le responsabilità e il ruolo degli agenti di destabilizzazione nella transizione verso la sostenibilità: un framework teorico’, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, 14, 4(2), 33-45


Grasso, M. and Zambon, S. ‘Flattening two curves with one carrot … Or one stick’, Economia & Ambiente, XXXIX, (1), 35-41

Grasso, M. ‘Economia e consumo: alla ricerca di un equilibrio con l’ambiente’, Consumatori, Diritti e Mercato, 2, 7-16

Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S.Ranking quality of life in the European Union’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 2, 242-263

Chiappero Martinetti, E., Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S.La qualità della vita nelle società avanzate: linee di ricerca per un modello basato sull’approccio delle capacità di Amartya Sen’, Economia e Politica Industriale, 1, 49-69

Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S.Freedoms, institutions and sustainable human development in Sen’s capability approach’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 3, 29-44

Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S.La valutazione economica dei beni ambientali nella costruzione delle politiche europee’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 3, 383-413

Grasso, M. ‘Una misurazione del benessere economico e sociale nelle regioni italiane’, Politica Economica, 2, 261-292


Book chapters in Italian

Grasso, M., Randelli, F. and Martellozzo, F. ‘Ricomporre le tessere del mosaico ambientale’, in Cerutti S., Tadini M. (Eds.), Mosaico/Mosaic, Società di Studi Geografici. Memorie Geografiche NS 17, pp. 489-491

Grasso, M e Randelli, F., ‘La transizione verso la sostenibilità come modello analitico/teorico per il superamento delle barriere poste alle questioni ambientali, in M. Fuschi (Ed.), Barriere/Barriers, Società di Studi Geografici. Memorie Geografiche NS 16, pp. 197-200

Grasso, M.  ‘Implicazioni dell’approccio del budget delle emissioni per le politiche internazionali contro i cambiamenti climatici’, in Dini, F e Randelli, F. (Eds.), Oltre la Globalizzazione: Le Proposte della Geografia Economica, Firenze, Firenze University Press (FUP), 391-402

Grasso, M. ‘Questioni ambientali globali e dinamiche Nord-Sud’, in G. Lizza (Ed.),  Geopolitica delle Prossime Sfide, UTET, Torino, 225-240

Grasso, M. ‘Qualità della vita e agricoltura: oltre il PIL’, in M. Ferretto (Ed.), Per un’Altra Campagna: Riflessioni e Proposte sull’Agricoltura Milanese, Maggioli, Milano,, 65-68

Canova, L., Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S.Ambiente, sviluppo umano, sostenibilità e modellizzazione dinamica’, in E. Chiappero Martinetti and S. Pareglio (Eds.). Sviluppo Umano Sostenibile e Qualità della Vita. Modelli Economici e Politiche Pubbliche, Carocci, Roma, 71-85

Grasso, M.  ‘Un conflitto ambientale globale: Nord e Sud nei cambiamenti climatici’, in G. Grossi (Ed.), I Conflitti Contemporanei. Contrasti, Scontri e Confronti nelle Società del III Millennio, UTET, Torino, 124-144

Grasso, M. & Nuvolati, G.Ambiente, identità e qualità della vita nell’area della Bicocca e nel Nord Milano: il caso della Gronda Nord’, in  E. dell’Agnese (Ed.), La Bicocca e il suo Territorio, Skira, Milano, 208-229

Grasso, M. ‘La crescita della disuguaglianza nella distribuzione del reddito – Risparmio: dai titoli di Stato ai nuovi strumenti finanziari – I trasferimenti finanziari all’interno del nucleo familiare – Indebolimento del nesso tra posizione di classe e modelli di consumo’, in D. Benassi, E. Mingione (eds), Observatoire Prospectif des Marchés Européens. Evolutions Sociales, Modes de Vie, Consommations, Distribution, Paris,  55-66

Ballarin Denti, A.Pareglio, S. e Grasso, M. ‘Aspetti Biologici ed Economici nel Rapporto tra Inquinamento e Ambienti Agro-Forestali’, in R. Cellerino (Ed.), Atti della IV Riunione degli Economisti Ambientali, Angeli, Milano, 13-30


Book reviews in Italian

Grasso, M. ‘C. Madau: Entro i limiti del nostro pianeta. Teorie e politiche della questione ambientale’, Rivista Geografica Italiana, 122 (1), 164-165


Other selected publications

Grasso, M., Chiappero Martinetti, E. & Pareglio, S.Well-being assessment and policy simulations: toward a micro-macro and dynamic integrated view based on the capability approach’, Working Paper 1 (2008), HDCP-IRC (Human Development Capability and Poverty-International Research Centre)

Grasso, M. ‘Alcune riflessioni su ‘Riscaldamento Globale’ di Gerelli’, Working Paper 596 (2007) SIEP (Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica)

Grasso, M. ‘A dynamic operationalization of Sen’s capability approach‘ Quaderno CRASL, 3 (2006)

Grasso, M., Pareglio, S., Canova, L. & Vaglio, A. ‘A system dynamics framework for simulating sustainable human development according to the capability approach’, unpublished manuscript, (2006)

Grasso, M., Pareglio, S., Canova, L., di Giulio, E., Migliavacca, S., Lelli, S. & Vaglio. A   ‘Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development (2005) Quaderno CRASL 2/2005

Grasso, M. ‘Climate change: the global public good’, Working Paper 75 (2004), Department of Economics – Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S. ‘Economic valuation of European Union policy-making’, Paper presented at the Second World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California, June 2002

Grasso, M. ‘A dynamic operationalization of Sen’s capability approach’, Quaderno CRASL, (2002), 3: 3-50

Grasso, M. ‘Valutazione economica degli investimenti SIN per il miglioramento delle acque di superficie’, SIN: Novara (2001)

Grasso, M. ‘Assessing the Implementation of NATURA 2000 in Southern Europe’, (2000), Environmental Studies Workshop, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, EUI-RSC Working Papers Series

Grasso, M., Destro, W. & Pareglio, S. ‘Valutazione delle politiche e degli strumenti di attuazione del Piano regionale di qualità dell’aria della Regione Lombardia’, Piano Regionale di Qualità dell’Aria, Milano (2000): Regione Lombardia e Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente

Grasso, M. & Pareglio, S. ‘Rassegna e valutazione dei piani e delle politiche nazionali e internazionali per la qualità dell’aria’, Piano Regionale di Qualità dell’Aria, Milano (2000) Regione Lombardia e Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente

Grasso, M. ‘Guida europea all’Agenda 21 Locale’ (1999) Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente: Milano (translation into Italian from English)

Grasso, M. ‘Effetti ambientali degli investimenti pubblici. Una guida sintetica alla valutazione economica‘ (1999) Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente: Milano

Grasso, M., Grillo, F. & Sylos Labini, S. ‘PIL: una misura del benessere economico’, Vision 1 (December 1999)

Grasso, M., ‘Le scelte e Amartya Sen’, Vision 0 (July 1999)


Old articles for a general audience

Grasso, M., ‘Geoingegneria, manipolare il clima è una buona idea?’, Pagina 99, 4 n. 44 (2017)

Grasso, M., ‘The day after tommorow’ (2005), (with S. Sylos Labini)

Grasso, M., Grillo, F., ‘Il sonno della ragione’, with, F. Grillo (eds), Roma: Reset (2004)

Grasso, M., ‘Una convention per le Nazioni Unite’, Reset 78 (Luglio-Agosto 2003)

Grasso, M., ‘’Maintaining prominence: two points on the war against Iraq’, (2003),

Grasso, M., ‘La forza di un’idea sta nella sua realizzazione’ (2003),

Grasso, M., ‘La guerra costerà agli USA 1.900 miliardi’ (Finanza & Mercati, 29.3.2003)

Grasso, M., ‘Quanta spesa militare nel Pil USA’ (Finanza & Mercati, 13.3.2003)

Grasso, M., ‘Globalizzazione sì. Forse no. Anzi’ (Finanza & Mercati, 6.3.2003)

Grasso, M., ‘Un fondo per il vaccino anti-AIDS’ (Finanza & Mercati, 27.02.2003)

Grasso, M., ‘La povertà? Via a colpi di istituzione’ (Finanza & Mercati, 20.02.2003)

Grasso, M., ‘Le banche centrali ai banchieri? Mai’ (L’Unità, 02.11.2001)

©2011-2024 Marco Grasso. All rights reserved.